Monday, January 08, 2007

Now is the time for all Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians to stand up and make your views known to your elected representatives. The Democratic majorities in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate think that they have received a mandate from the people to do as they please for the next two years. Their plans include "fixing Social Security" by raising taxes and ignoring the inherent problems with Social Security, giving what amounts to amnesty to illegal aliens, and forfeiting the War Against Terrorism. You must write, call or email your US Senators and Congresspersons, NOW, and urge them to vote against any plans submitted by the Democratic majority that would further weaken this country.
Liberal Democrats are dangerous to our nation, and weak kneed Republicans seem willing to go along with them. Unless YOU make your wishes known your politicians will do as they please. CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSPERSON NOW!!



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