Employee Free Choice Act
I no longer trust our federal government or our congress to do what is in our best interest. I believe that our elected representative form of government is being taken over by special interest groups, big dollar donators and extreme liberal ideology. Our congresspersons no longer vote their consciences. They cast their votes based solely on who donated the most money and who can bring in the most votes. There is no longer any pretence that our representatives are representing us.
A good example of this is the Employee Free Choice Act now awaiting US Senate approval. This extremely bad piece of legislation would take away from workers one of the tenets on which this country was founded; ie: the right to cast a secret ballot. Under this legislation, which has every chance of passing by the way, union representatives and employers would have the opportunity to demand to see the ballots cast by workers in any union organization vote. This opens the union organization process up to possible vote fraud and intimidation from the union and from the employer. How is this a good idea? What thinking congressperson would vote for such a bill? Well, any congressperson who finds him/herself in the pocket of big unions would vote for this atrocity. This bill has come before congress before, but only now, under Democrat control of both houses does it have a chance to pass.
I say if this legislation is so good lets do away with the secret ballot all together. Then when you go to the poles to vote for your representative or senator or president we could see how you voted and then give you a hard time for voting the way that you did.
Things like this are why I no longer trust our federal government or our congress. I guess I am just too informed to be a good citizen.
Labels: congress, Employee Free Choice Act, Organization, Unions
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