Thursday, July 27, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Not to Vote Democratic in the Upcoming Elections

10. A Democratic Congress combined with a Democrat President will most assuredly cut and run from the War Against Islamic Aggression.

9. Democrats will raise taxes to pay for social programs that only serve to create more Democrats.

8. The United Nations. This massively corrupt, Anti-America bureaucracy is the creation a Democrat President, FDR. In it's 61 years in existance it has not stopped one war or freed one nation from tyranny. Democrats love the UN. It is their highest ideal representing the Socialist world they would like to see. Now, the UN is demanding the right to tax the citizens of member nations, read: the United States, so that the UN will not have to depend upon countries, read: the United States, paying their dues to carry out its failed programs. Many Democrats are in favor of this idea.

7. Democrats will find a way to legalize the thirty million illegal aliens already in this country and will provide ways for more to enter. Why, because Democratic social programs will encourage these criminals to vote Democratic once they are legalized thus keeping the Democratic voting base strong.

6. Democrats believe in and want to create a Socialist government for America.

5. The sad state of the American public school system is a direct result of federal interference under Democratic leadership.

4. Abortion. Democrats whine over lost lives in the War Against Islamic Aggression yet they are perfectly willing to destroy unborn lives by the thousands because, "It should be a woman’s right to choose."

3. The Democratic high religion is Government, not Christianity, Judaism, or any other established religion.

2. Socialized health care. Democrats love this idea. Free health care for all! Just look at Canada and England to see how well this idea works.

And the Number one Reason NOT to vote Democratic…

1. Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Robert Byrd, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Russ Finegold, Dianne Finestein, Daniel Inouye, Harry Reid, Barbara Streisand, George Soros, Ed Asner,, Air America, Green Peace, PETA, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, The Great States of Massachusetts and California, and any number of other loons, nut cases, whackos and idiots.


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