Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I recently found myself in a somewhat formal meeting with men and women of differing racial groups. In conversation I made the off hand remark that a person I saw was dressed as if they planned to attend a Rap concert. One of the group members, who is black, informed me that my comment was offensive to those of African origin. I was stunned on so many levels by this reaction to what I considered to be a slightly humorous comment. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am no slave to fashion, myself. I should be the last person on Earth to hand out fashion police tickets to anyone.

Personally, I have nothing against Rappers or their mode of dress. The more I thought about this PC offense I committed the more perplexed I became. How was my innocent comment offensive to black people, only? I don't understand. Why would this person think that I meant to offend just Afro-ethnic people? I was not aware that all rappers are black. What about Emenem? I believe that he is a Caucasian. Would this comment not have offended him? Would it offend anyone if I had said that the person in question was dressed like a coal miner, or a Country and Western signer, or a Supreme Court Justice?
Are we, now, so sensitive and delicate that the least little comment can put us in a state of mental anguish? Does the old adage no longer hold true that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me?” Evidently there are many of us who fear words much more than we fear suicide bombers or killer bees. These people must go through life dodging certain words and phrases like lizards dodging rain drops. What power others have over these poor fragile beings. Say the wrong thing and they wither like orchids in a drought.

It seems to me that political correctness has grown to the point that it threatens to devalue and decolorize our language. Any phrase or turn of a word, not can but will, be taken by someone to be a serious breach etiquette. People go out of their way to find fault in the speech of others. We must be careful to analyze our each and every utterance and to edit out any phrase or word that might offend some member of some group somewhere. This tends to put heavy restraints on our conversations. If we have to constantly be concerned about our comments being taken by others as offensive, then we eventually will just quit communicating. A world without lively and meaningful communication is a dead world.

Language is a living thing. Words and meanings constantly change through use. Who is to say, other than me, that in the instance mentioned above I was not congratulating the person in question on his fine sense of style? I meant no harm or disrespect in what I said. It just came out, like the occasional bit of profanity. Am I sorry I said it? No, not really.
This is truly a silly but interesting time in which we live.
Today, our country faces real dangers on just about every front. With so many wolves at the door, the question arises just what is our biggest threat? Is it Islamic terrorists? Is it the prospect of terminally high petroleum prices? Is it pollution, or illegal aliens overrunning our borders, or the French, or what? Well, it’s none of those things. The real threat to America these days is rampant Liberalism. It threatens to undermine our system of government, drown us in useless and destructive legislation, tax us into poverty, destroy what is left of our public school system, and wreck our economy.

Never in our history has one misguided group of people done so much damage to the American way of life. Liberalism is a plague that infects every facet of our existence. It is helped along by a willing media, brain dead celebrities and self-serving politicians. In the mind of the liberal, "That which is good for America is bad. That which is bad for America is good." Liberalism seeks to undermine our social, religious, moral and patriotic values and replace them with a mish-mash of social programs, indecipherable legislation, and government by judicial review.

This reminds me of the story of the woman who finds an injured rattlesnake on the road. She picks the snake up and takes it to her house where she nurses it back to health. The snake, upon reviving, immediately bites the kind woman. Just before the woman dies she asks the snake, "After all I did for you, why did you bite me.” The snake replies before slithering off, "I am a rattlesnake, it's my nature." Liberalism, like the snake, will turn upon the very thing that nourishes it. The freedoms that our country allows to her citizens are the very things that Liberals hate and work so hard to erase, yet these very freedoms allow liberalism to exist in the first place. There aren't many liberals in Communist China, you know.

Need proof? Well, let’s look at today's news. Ramsey Clark, a rabid liberal and former Attorney General of the US under Lyndon Johnson, has become the spokesperson for Sadam Hussain. Now think about this for a moment. A former high ranking government official has chosen to represent a mass murderer, a despot and an avowed enemy of our country. Mr. Clark's aims are to disrupt the Hussain trial as often as possible, cause a mistrail and thus to get Sadam off scott free. He does this, not from any sense that Sadam deserves a fair trial, but simply to embarrass America.

Have you heard even one Democratic US Representative or Democratic US Senator condemn Ramsey Clark for this blatant disrespect to our nation? No, and you won't hear any Democrats speak against Mr. Clark, either. Why, because he is furthering the Liberal agenda. He is undermining the present administration. If he manages to have Sadam Hussain set free Mr. Clark will become a hero to the Liberal left. Remember, "That which is bad for America is good. That which is good for America is bad."

As was once said about the rich, "Liberals are not like you and me." Ultra-liberals have no clear cut values. They cherish not the country that nourishes and protects them. Their heroes are corrupt politicians like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Al Gore. They inhale the gibberish uttered by Liberal icons like Cindy Sheehan, Barbara Streisand, Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen and Al Frankin and exhale it in media sound bites. Liberals are patriotically and morally bankrupt, and they want to make us just like them.

What is the biggest danger America faces today? It is the Liberal Democrat, and he hates you.