Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Here are some personal observations after almost 60 years of living.

Some people should not be allowed to drive automobiles or to raise children.

I have never seen a woman, or man for that matter, who looked more attractive after getting a tattoo.

The early bird may get the worm, but the early worm gets eaten. Go figure.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are not illnesses. They are choices. Bad choices.

Public schools are not better now than they were 30 or even 100 years ago. They just cost more to run.

Anytime government gets involved in a project that project will cost 10 times more than it should and it will ultimately fail.

Computers have not made our lives appreciably easier. They have made our lives more complex.

You cannot get a healthy meal at a fast food restaurant.

Any building project will cost 2 – 3 times more than the amount of money budgeted for it.

Once the citizens of a democracy find out that they can vote money from the public coffers for themselves that democracy is doomed.

Automobile manufactures could build a car that will get 50 – 60 MPG right now but US government regulation stiffels its manufacture.

People who ride motorcycles without helmets are not the sharpest pencils in the drawer.

Most government regulation does more harm than it does good.

We need term limitations for all elected officials, including US Senators and Representatives.

A dog loves you always. A cat loves you occasionally.

A woman who marries a man hoping to change him is in for a big disappointment.

I don’t like French cooking.

Anyone can play a musical instrument. Only a musically talented person can play one well.

Just because a particular genre of music is popular doesn’t mean it is any good. Same goes for

Some people live way too long. Some people don’t live nearly long enough.

The sixties was the decade of ugly clothing.

Rainy days help us to appreciate sunny days.

People who have pets are usually nice people, and they generally live longer than those who don’t have pets.

Ronald Reagan was a great President. Jimmy Carter was an awful President. The rest fall somewhere in between.

God will always answer our prayers, but not always with the answer we want.

Not one person who is alive in the US today was a victim of the African slave trade. No, not even Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton as much as they would like to be.

I know the theories, but I have no idea how the following things work:
Atomic Power
The Human Brain
The US Government