The current U.S. tax code is some 66,000, yes, sixty-six-thousand, pages long. No one in this country fully understands it. very few have even read it. That includes those who are elected to represent us in Washington, D.C. This year the U.S. government will collect better than a trillion, that's 1,000,000,000,000, dollars in tax revenue. That is a number that boggles the mind.
Most people do not have any idea how much actual tax they pay each year. Most are just happy if they get a refund. By the way, a refund is just your money that the government has kept and used for a year without paying you one dime in interest. Imagine how much you could have earned on that money had you invested it in the stock market, or even put it in an interest bearing account or a CD. The tax burden on the average wage earner is now approaching fifty percent of income. That includes all local, state, federal and the hidden taxes that you pay. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself.
It is time for a taxpayer revolt in this country. The time has come for us to tell our representatives that we expect them to work toward reforming the tax codes. If they don't do this, then it is time that they, all of them, are voted out of office. Every two years we have the chance to vote people into office who will work for us, not work for themselves, their political party, or a bunch of lobbyists.
Former Representative John Lender (GA) has written a book with talk show host Neal Boortz. It is called the Fair Tax Plan. I urge you to borrow or buy this book and read it. Then pass it on to someone else. This plan makes more sense than anything coming out of D.C. You can go to, for more infromation. Please do this for yourself and for this country.
Most people do not have any idea how much actual tax they pay each year. Most are just happy if they get a refund. By the way, a refund is just your money that the government has kept and used for a year without paying you one dime in interest. Imagine how much you could have earned on that money had you invested it in the stock market, or even put it in an interest bearing account or a CD. The tax burden on the average wage earner is now approaching fifty percent of income. That includes all local, state, federal and the hidden taxes that you pay. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself.
It is time for a taxpayer revolt in this country. The time has come for us to tell our representatives that we expect them to work toward reforming the tax codes. If they don't do this, then it is time that they, all of them, are voted out of office. Every two years we have the chance to vote people into office who will work for us, not work for themselves, their political party, or a bunch of lobbyists.
Former Representative John Lender (GA) has written a book with talk show host Neal Boortz. It is called the Fair Tax Plan. I urge you to borrow or buy this book and read it. Then pass it on to someone else. This plan makes more sense than anything coming out of D.C. You can go to, for more infromation. Please do this for yourself and for this country.