Friday, June 22, 2007

Employee Free Choice Act

I no longer trust our federal government or our congress to do what is in our best interest. I believe that our elected representative form of government is being taken over by special interest groups, big dollar donators and extreme liberal ideology. Our congresspersons no longer vote their consciences. They cast their votes based solely on who donated the most money and who can bring in the most votes. There is no longer any pretence that our representatives are representing us.

A good example of this is the Employee Free Choice Act now awaiting US Senate approval. This extremely bad piece of legislation would take away from workers one of the tenets on which this country was founded; ie: the right to cast a secret ballot. Under this legislation, which has every chance of passing by the way, union representatives and employers would have the opportunity to demand to see the ballots cast by workers in any union organization vote. This opens the union organization process up to possible vote fraud and intimidation from the union and from the employer. How is this a good idea? What thinking congressperson would vote for such a bill? Well, any congressperson who finds him/herself in the pocket of big unions would vote for this atrocity. This bill has come before congress before, but only now, under Democrat control of both houses does it have a chance to pass.

I say if this legislation is so good lets do away with the secret ballot all together. Then when you go to the poles to vote for your representative or senator or president we could see how you voted and then give you a hard time for voting the way that you did.

Things like this are why I no longer trust our federal government or our congress. I guess I am just too informed to be a good citizen.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Mr. President George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, D.C.

June 1, 2007

Dear Mr. President, George W. Bush,

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to read this letter. I know that you must have more important things to do. Please give my regards to Mrs. First Lady Laura Bush. I think that of the living presidents that we have you are the best. As of today the living presidents are Mr. President Jerry Ford, Mr. President Jimmy Carter, Mr. President George H.W. Bush (your father), Mr. President Bill Clinton and you. Here is why you are the best.

Mr. President Ford, while a nice guy and a great golfer, really didn’t do much during his term in office except pardon Mr. President Richard Nixon. Mr. President Ford’s lack of accomplishments would be considered by most to be a good thing. After all Mr. President Eisenhower did very little as president and he got to serve two terms. Mr. President Ford did nothing to blacken the name of the White House while in office, nor did he get us involved in any wars worthy of mention. Still, I consider you to be a better president than Mr. President Ford.

Mr. President Carter, while a native of the Great State of Georgia, a good thing, was, in my opinion, the worse (worst?) president we have ever had, a bad thing. He was even worse than Mr. President Ulysses S Grant, a notorious Yankee. Mr. President Carter let the Iranians take our diplomats hostage for some 400 days while he pussyfooted around lusting in his heart, avoiding UFOs and fighting off killer rabbits. When Mr. President Carter did get serious about the matter of the hostages all he did was mount a weak and futile rescue effort that failed miserably, got some brave Americans killed and made us look comically inept to the rest of the world. Mr. President Carter started the “Misery Index.” He should have been impeached for that one alone. Thankfully, he served only one term. He was followed by the greatest, in my opinion, dead president we have, Mr. President Ronald Regan. I think you are a much better president than Mr. President Carter.

Then came your father, Mr. President George H.W. Bush. He is a good man and he was a fine president, but he failed to take the Gulf War far enough. He let Saddam slip through his fingers and ended the war too soon. That left you to clean up the mess, since Mr. President Bill Clinton was too busy with other affairs to pay much attention to Iraq. I think you are a better president than your father, no offense to him is intended.

That brings us to Mr. President Bill Clinton. What can I say about a man who frittered away his presidency chasing women and getting impeached? Now, considering he is married to Mrs. Senator (DNY) Hillary Clinton I can certainly understand his need to look elsewhere for female companionship. However, Mr. President Bill Clinton should be ashamed of himself for sullying the office of President of the US of A, but I don’t think he is. He will forever be a booger in the nose of American history. You are a much better president than Mr. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary were.

Mr. President George W. Bush, if you want to be a great president, and not just a good one, here are three things that you can do between now and the time you leave office.

1. Seal the border between Mexico and the US of A. Build a fence, build a wall, mine the desert, or whatever, but do something, soon. We don’t need any stinkin' guest workers. We have all the home grown shiftless and lazy workers we can use, now.
2. Expel all illegal aliens whether they came from Mexico or Mars. Round them up. Put them on buses and send them home (better use boats if they came from overseas). Legal aliens can stay. Illegal aliens must go home and deal with their own rotten governments. As far as Texas and California belonging to Mexico, well we stole those lands fair and square! So, the Mexicans need to get over it.
3. Throw the United Nations out of this country. Give them ninety days to pack their bags, pay their parking fines, empty the building and go somewhere else, maybe Venezuela. We have hosted this good for nothing, communist, dictator-loving, anti-American, Godless organization long enough. Toss the bums.

Mr. President Bush, if you do these three things you will be hailed the greatest president ever, living or dead. Mark my words.

Rupert Escargot

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