Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar who?

Once again all the "news people" are reporting on the "Oscars" as if it was some kind of hard news event rather than the same old cast of Hollywood characters congratulating themselves and prancing around like they were royalty. What a disgusting display of mutual admiration by a bunch of overpaid, under-educated will-o-the-wisps.

It used to be that only preteen girls swooned over movie stars. Now, it seems that the whole country has lost any semblance of sanity. Airhead actors are treated as if they held all the answers for the problems of the world in their manicured little hands. Their views on world events, foreign policy and the upcoming election are not only sought out, but actually listened to as if these clowns had discovered some great fountain of knowledge into which they dip their tootsies on a regular basis.

Speaking of politics, have you noticed how the "media" have abandoned "poor Hillary" to jump on the "Obama Bandwagon?" The media has, now, written Hillary off after telling us for the past six years that she "deserved to be president", and that her left-wing policies held all the answers to fix a broken world. What happened? Did Mrs. Clinton suddenly contract leporsy? Did she spit on Martin Luther King's grave? Did the media find out she is, GASP, a lesbian?

As for Obama if there was ever a less experienced or more ill prepared presidential candidate than Obama I cannot name him. So far Obama has said absolutely nothing of any substance or worth. His feel good campaign offers no feasible solutions to America's problems. To make matters worse his wife goes on national television and states that she is, "proud of her country for the first time in her life." Give me a break. And don't get me started on that RHINO John McCain.

Fasten your seatbelts, boys. Its going to be a bumpy ride!