Monday, February 20, 2006

Why Daddy is a Republican.

Daddy is a Republican because Republicans don't cater to the fringe elements of society like the Democrats do. Mommy is a Democrat. She likes the ACLU, Green Peace, Students for a Democratic Society, The Rev. Jessie Jackson, and all manner of nuts. Mommy, you see, is a loon.

A Republican does not believe that anyone, including a mommy, has the right to kill a child, even an unborn one. Democrats, believe that it is ok to dispose of a baby whenever mommy feels it clutters up her womb.

Daddy is a Republican because Republicans believe in working hard and earning their way through life on their own merits. Democrats believe that we should take money from those who work hard and just give it to those who don't work at all. Democrats like Mommy believe in a form of Communism called "Income Reallocation." Isn't that a silly notion?

Republicans will keep you safe by taking the "War Against Terrorism" to the homeland of the terrorists rather than waiting until the terrorists invade our homeland. Democrats, believe in placating the evil terrorists by trying to "talk","love" or "buy" them out of their evil ways. What morons Democrats are.

Republicans, like Daddies, believe that America is a fine country in which to raise children because America offers her young the chance to succeed using their intelligence and their desire to get ahead in life. Democrats, like Mommies, believe that the only way to get ahead in life is to depend upon the Federal Government to smooth the way for us. Democrats produced the "New Deal", the "Great Society", "Social Security", the "Withholding Tax", "AFDC", "Food Stamps", "Medicare", "Hillary Health Care", a "downsized" military, and any number of other assinine and disasterous programs. Mommies are idiots.

Daddy is a Republican. He believes that Ronald Reagan was one of the best presidents this country ever had. Mommy is a Democrat. She believes that Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were great presidents and that Mr. Reagan, Mr George Bush, and Mr. George W. Bush are evil. She, also, believes that Hillary would be a great president. Mommy is a nut case!

Yes, Darling, Daddy is a Republican. He loves God, you, and this country. Mommy is a Democrat. She loves herself.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Let's talk about Cindy Sheehan. I don't like her, even a little bit. Furthermore, I no longer feel the least bit sorry for her. I don't know her personally. All I can judge her on is her actions as reported in the media. It appears to me that Ms. Sheehan is using the death of her son as a springboard to national prominence. She long ago lost any semblance of respectability in my eyes. Her fight to end the war in Iraq is wrong minded and assinine in its simplicity. She would have us lay down our weapons and march away, leaving the Iraqis to their fate, much as we did in Vietnam. Has Ms. Sheehan ever once called for the Moslem terrorists to lay down their weapons and walk away? Of course not, to her the terrorists are freedom fighters giving their lives to rescue their country. Little does she know or care that most of the terrorists that we are now fighting in Iraq are not Iraqis, but Syrians, Iranis, Saudi Arabians, etc.

Sheehan beggs us to admit that her son died for nothing. If we follwed the Sheehan plan for World Peace, she would be right. But, to Cindy Sheehan and the radical Left's horror her son died honorably in the service of his country, doing what he joined the army to do. There is no draft in this country. We heard not a word from Ms. Sheehan about the war in Iraq or about her son, until his death. While I regret Ms. Sheehan's loss, I totally deplore the manner in which she has trivialized the deaths of all persons in this war.

Now, this darling of the Leftist media says she would like to run for the U.S. Senate representing California. I say, "Go for it, Cindy!" You are just what this country needs, another logic impared member of the Senate. As if Ted Kennedy and John Kerry aren't enough. Cindy, you would fit right in with them. (The Three Stooges, if you will.) If Californians are brainless enough to elect Ms. Sheehan to the U.S. Senate, or any other public office, then their state deserves to fall into the Pacific Ocean.

God has a special place in Hell reserved for people like Ms. Sheehan. I am sure that she will enjoy the company of Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and other notable nut cases who knew they were right and everyone else was wrong. She hasn't personally assassinated anyone to my knowledge, but her continued diatribe gives aid and comfort to the enemy and thus, contributes to the death of every American son or daughter who is murdered by Moslem extremists anywhere on this planet. No, it is not Ms. Sheehan who deserves our pitty, rather it is her poor son we should pitty. After all, he had this screeching banshee for a mother during his too short life.