How to Tell if You are in Danger of Becoming a Looney Liberal
Take this simple test to determine if you are in danger of falling for the Liberal propaganda and becoming a member of the Looney Left. Choose only one answer A, B or C for each test question. At the end of the test I will tell you how to determine your score and danger level.
The Liberal Danger Test
1. If I had one-hundred dollars I would:
A. blow it on Brittany Spears CDs.
B. Donate it to my favorite charity.
C. Donate it to the United Nations Fund to Save the Albanian Hairless Rat.
2. The greatest US President to ever serve was:
A. Benjamin Franklin.
B. Ronald Regan.
C. Bill/Hillary Clinton.
3. I lay awake at night worrying about:
A. who will win on Celebrity Knitting.
B. the threat of militant Islamic aggression.
C. What if they drill for oil in Alaska? Those poor moose will suffer.
4. My favorite footwear is:
A. What’s footwear?
B. my tennies.
C. my Birkinstock Sandals.
5. The kind of car I drive is a:
A. big ole Hummvee.
B. nice four door sedan.
C. bicycle. Cars pollute the environment.
6. The candidate I always vote for is the:
A. vote?
B. one I think has the best ideas.
C. Democrat.
7. I think the US Government:
A. is full of Commies.
B. wastes too much money.
C. should raise taxes to help the disenfranchised.
8. My thought on immigration is:
A. close the borders! We have too many deadbeats here, now.
B. we need a sane and fair series of immigration laws.
C. oh, those poor people. Let’s give them amnesty right away!
9. I get my news and information from:
A. the bartender at the Rub-It-Inn lounge.
B. Fox News.
C. Barbara Streisand’s web site.
10. My heros are people like:
A. Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker, and Darth Vader.
B. the brave men and women in the military who protect our country.
C. Hillary Clinton, Koffe Annon, Ted Kennedy and Al Gore
To score your danger level give yourself 5 points for each "A" answer, 10 points for each "B" answer, and 15 points for each "C" answer. Then add up your score and locate your danger level on the chart below.
50 – 95 = Very Little Danger
100 – 115 = Moderate Danger
120 – 145 = Great Danger
Take this simple test to determine if you are in danger of falling for the Liberal propaganda and becoming a member of the Looney Left. Choose only one answer A, B or C for each test question. At the end of the test I will tell you how to determine your score and danger level.
The Liberal Danger Test
1. If I had one-hundred dollars I would:
A. blow it on Brittany Spears CDs.
B. Donate it to my favorite charity.
C. Donate it to the United Nations Fund to Save the Albanian Hairless Rat.
2. The greatest US President to ever serve was:
A. Benjamin Franklin.
B. Ronald Regan.
C. Bill/Hillary Clinton.
3. I lay awake at night worrying about:
A. who will win on Celebrity Knitting.
B. the threat of militant Islamic aggression.
C. What if they drill for oil in Alaska? Those poor moose will suffer.
4. My favorite footwear is:
A. What’s footwear?
B. my tennies.
C. my Birkinstock Sandals.
5. The kind of car I drive is a:
A. big ole Hummvee.
B. nice four door sedan.
C. bicycle. Cars pollute the environment.
6. The candidate I always vote for is the:
A. vote?
B. one I think has the best ideas.
C. Democrat.
7. I think the US Government:
A. is full of Commies.
B. wastes too much money.
C. should raise taxes to help the disenfranchised.
8. My thought on immigration is:
A. close the borders! We have too many deadbeats here, now.
B. we need a sane and fair series of immigration laws.
C. oh, those poor people. Let’s give them amnesty right away!
9. I get my news and information from:
A. the bartender at the Rub-It-Inn lounge.
B. Fox News.
C. Barbara Streisand’s web site.
10. My heros are people like:
A. Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker, and Darth Vader.
B. the brave men and women in the military who protect our country.
C. Hillary Clinton, Koffe Annon, Ted Kennedy and Al Gore
To score your danger level give yourself 5 points for each "A" answer, 10 points for each "B" answer, and 15 points for each "C" answer. Then add up your score and locate your danger level on the chart below.
50 – 95 = Very Little Danger
100 – 115 = Moderate Danger
120 – 145 = Great Danger